Monday, July 23, 2007

Not Dead, Just Divorced!

I haven't written on here in forever. So long in fact that my last blog doesn't even sound familiar to me. So much has changed. I divorced my husband, I've lost 35 lbs, (need to lose about 8000 more) I'm moving to town.....Life is CRAZY but GOOD!

Don't air laundry so no details on the divorce, but he's a good man and a good Dad. I wish him the best.

Have found that once I was no longer married, the word dating sends shivers down my spine and gives me nightmares. I hate rejection but hate being alone even more so for now I'm stuck with alone 'cuz I'm a big baby. Don't get me wrong, there are men out there I would like to date, but maybe later.

Someone has taken to sending me actual sermons in the mail at work. This is pathetic, and sad. If I ever find who is doing this I will probably need to have a visit with them. ( a very loud visit)
Whoever it is believes that divorce is wrong regardless of the situation. They are of course wrong and I would love to tell them that.

Well that's about it, will try to do better about blogging.

Tater out.


Carmel said...

Wow, Tater! I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but having survived divorce and ended up with the soul mate whom I can't imagine living without -- I can tell you -- things will get better. Just don't let your friends set you up. Good luck kiddo.

Melessa Gregg said...

Sorry to hear about the divorce too. I can relate to judgemental co-workers. Fortunately, mine was easy to find and confront. (Helps that we only have a staff of 6.) Hopefully I'll see you at the next OkieBloggers meet and greet whenever and wherever it may be!