Monday, October 13, 2008

Bad Bad People!

There have been a crazy amounts of burglaries in my neighborhood lately, and I am just tired of bad bad people. I don't ask much...just don't steal my sh*t! Now, to clarify, they have not bothered me except for egging Gentleman's work truck, but they have attempted to break into my mother's car and have successfully gotten to almost all my neighbors. I have an ex-Marine for a neighbor who diligently sat outside and eventually caught some of the culprits, but I guess throughout the town people are getting broken into left and right, and most of them are home when the bad guys try to get in.
Gentleman is out of town right now, and I am feeling more than a little vulnerable so I've been sleeping with a mag-lite and one eye open. We have a dog but Gentleman and I both agree that he is ever-so-slightly inbred and useless as a guard dog. I have small children so NO guns are allowed in our house, because I suffer from gun ignorance and fear I would be more harmful to myself and family than the bad guys if a scary situation were to arise.
I am being robbed not of my possessions, but of my peace of mind and of wonderful fall nights sleeping with the windows open. Stupid bad bad people! I miss Gentleman!!!